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Everything Summer Camp Offers Crazy Creek Chairs for Comfortable Football Game Seating


Boyd, WI (PRWEB) August 29, 2013

Proud parents from all over have more important games to watch than what the NFL has to offer. For those who have high school or peewee games to watch from the bleachers, this article should be of great interest. Heres some of the best advice that anyone can use for watching these games without sacrificing comfort.

Lets face itfootball games are fun to watch, but people dont want to sit on cold, uncomfortable bleachers for two or more hours at a time. It can be torture to suffer through an eternity of cold seats and sore keisters; but without missing a game (one that means everything to the young players) theres really no other option.

Unless, of course, Crazy Creek Camp Chairs are there to save the day. These chairs havent just revolutionized the comfort of camping, they make any occasion comfortablewherever they go. Incredibly portable and lightweight, these chairs offer a comfortable seat no matter where the location.

Customers love Crazy Creek Chairs. Everything Summer Camp, a popular summer camp outfitter, had one pleased customer say this about the Original Crazy Creek Chair: Versatile – my daughter used this at camp, but also brings it to soccer games, football games – just about anywhere she’s going to have to sit outside or on bleachers. It worked great for her at eight years but also fits a small adult.

Theres a handful of different types of Crazy Creek chairs that bring some comfort and convenience to sporting events (or camping). Camp outfitters like Everything Summer Camp have the Original Crazy Creek Chair, the Hex 2.0, the Everywhere Camp Chair, and Crazy Creeks latest creation, the Air Chair Plus (a trifold camp chair and combination camp mattress).

So say goodbye to cold, uncomfortable bleachers and sore bottoms this football season and enjoy the games without sacrificing comfort.

About Everything Summer Camp

Everything Summer Camp has been helping kids get ready for summer camp since 1987. Their wide selection of camping gear includes camp trunks and other camping supplies. Top selling items include water bottles, cot-sized bedding, rain jackets, insect repellent, iron on labels, and more. Known for their customer service and fast shipping they are recommended by more camps than any other camp outfitter. Everything Summer Camp is a division of C&N Manufacturing, Inc.

Visit http://www.EverythingSummerCamp.com to learn more about camp footlockers, name labels, duffel bags, and camping supplies.

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